
All control widgets support the following keys (note that some of them are caught by the host and thus never forwarded to the control. For example in Steinberg Cubase SX you cannot us the arrow keys):

Common behavior
Key Action

Up Arrow

Small increment of the position (up or right)

Down Arrow

Small increment of the position (down or left)

Left Arrow

Same as Down Arrow

Right Arrow

Same as Up Arrow

Page Up

Large increment of the position (up or right)

Page Down

Large decrement of the position (down or left)


Small increment of the value of the control


Small decrement of the value of the control


Set to default value (same as mouse right click)


Open the fine edit popup window.


Fine tuning modifier. When the key is pushed, the control enters the "fine tuning" mode. The user has more precise control over the parameter.

Button specific behavior




Pushes the button